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The Suki-Friend-for-Life Club
I began this club in 1996 when a friend from work gave me fifty cents for the vending machines. It seemed the only way I could repay him was by forming a club and then making him both a member and the president. Strangely, it took off. Others soon wished to join. I even started making membership cards and releasing newsletters. The club was disbanded when I got distracted by life and began to pursue other things.
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So You Think You Can Write?
I am a fan of competition shows that highlight a person's ability to excel at his, her, or their chosen field. For a period of time, my favorite show was So You Think You Can Dance? although now I gravitate toward the baking shows because I've apparently decided I'm a baker. To be honest, I'm really more of a cake decorator. More on that later. Maybe...
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Welcome to Chez Suki's
Though I rarely have guests, I do feel it's important to welcome them, informing them of the various amenities and special bonus offers they might claim as a result of staying at my humble abode. This was a marketing tool that showed tremendous promise in its heyday. However, I think it soon faded because I wasn't able to make good on key promises presented in the promotional.
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One Night in Florence
Because of the length of this piece, and since it's really more a journal entry than anything else, I've included it on this page. I've had the opportunity to travel extensively abroad. While I have had many adventures, the time in Florence was definitely the most harrowing. So I'm presenting it here for your entertainment.